Sunday, November 22, 2009

just got back....

from the library.

I checked out every. single. book. they had on small businesses!

The library will offer no small business resource help for anyone in the vicinity for the next three months. Sorry potential business owner.

There's a lady who started a business with her husband like twenty years ago who goes to my church.  I've just met her this week. I want to see if I can meet with her... for kind of a mentor or something... and had the PERFECT opportunity today... perfect... but I lost my nerve.  I don't know what I'm scared of... rejection? being told my idea is dumb? or that I can't pull it off?  that I'm too ignorant?  I don't know. I'll read a few books and maybe email her soon.  The realtor covering the storefront I covet hasn't gotten back to me on prices yet.  I feel like I'm out of my element even talking to him.

And Kate decided to dress herself this morning...

I remember with Zachariah... when he was even remotely close to the next age.. both month-wise and year-wise I would always round up.  With Kate it's the opposite.  I still love thinking of her as my "one year old" even if she'll be two in a few weeks. 

My goal is to finish my china journals.. TODAY! Off to work!

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