Tuesday, October 13, 2009

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I will openly admit that I listened to Christmas Music all yesterday as it snowed.  It put me in a creating mood. And I got some more work on my journal covers done!

These journals are such a long process.  I am considering a few shows.  One that I was accepted in is Nokomis in Minneapolis. But in order to do that one I need a tax id.  Which means I first need to file my name with the state.  I'll be doing that tomorrow.  Kind of fun to be a "business owner"... even if the business is so small an ant could wear it for a hat.  I'm trying to think of how to balance shows.. there's a smaller one a half hour from here... but what if I sell a lot there and don't have enough for minneapolis? Not that I think I'd sell out or anything.. but what if just the "best" were sold and I'm only bringing up the mediocre ones to minneapolis... not that I intentionally make worse ones.. I just have my favorites... although my least favorites seem to be the ones that sell quicker.. hmmm.  I think I would rather get "in" the twin cities crowd...maybe? decisions decisions.  And that would give me more time to get ready too without worrying about doing two shows.  Thanks for helping me out with this decision. I wish I had someone to go with me though.  It feels little overwhelming to do it by myself!

I should be starting to sell the concert tickets by this weekend which I am PUMPED about.  I've been spinning my wheels waiting for this to get underway! And I talk to the CBS group tomorrow about Momtime. (and I still haven't done my cbs lesson for tomorrow! I've been rubish at doing my lessons this year.) So I think maybe I'll feel a little less anxious next week with this stuff off my plate. When I get anxious I don't feel like doing anything... and anything I do feels like I'm moving through wet cement or something.

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